To celebrate International Women’s Day, TripStack wants to challenge stereotypes that limit women and girls! I caught up with 3 inspiring ladies from the TripStack crew to cover their story on how they manage, orchestrate, lead and most importantly how they choose to reject gender-biased attitudes and believe in themselves and their potential.
Welcome Rupali, I always like starting with who you are, take us back in time and walk us through your journey?

I have a heartfelt admiration for working mothers and I consider them to be the epitome of strength! Not too long ago, I found myself grappling with a tough decision - I was torn between following my aspirations vs pausing to experience motherhood. I am glad I remained firm and decided to have the best of both. It was by far the most challenging time of my life but I was grateful to have experienced a strong support system around me at TripStack. I am very encouraged to see female leaders at TripStack and Etraveli Group thrive; I have two lady bosses (Mehvish and Preeti) that's what I refer to them as ;-) They are a source of my inspiration and a strong support system rooting for my success.
A fundamental part of my upbringing was based on "you get what’s in your destiny" but the women at TripStack and Etraveli Group changed my perspective over time - No one can stop you and challenges are a part of life. Either you choose to face them boldly or you regret not trying them at all.
What gender-specific challenges, stereotypes, or barriers have you had to overcome during your career?
Born and brought up in a middle class family, my household was far conservative. There were preconceived cultural notions and stereotypes on women's place in the hierarchy, one such being, a women's destiny ultimately remains raising kids and taking care of the household. Women participating or contributing in financial matters is not really heard of in the town that I hail from. It's not easy when you continue to fight for your own rights and one where you know you lack support from your own household. I am glad I have put all of that behind me and have progressed in life and I continue to advocate for creating strong support mechanisms for women across the board.
“Each for Equal.” What does that phrase mean to you when it comes to your career?
Unfortunately I have had to fight for my rights growing up… There is a reference in India where a son is called “Desi ghee ka Ladoo ” which means a son is always privileged over a daughter.
But I am glad I remained resilient working against all odds to change that thought.
On International Women's Day, what is the most important message you want to send out to women thinking about their careers?
Be bold! Take challenges head on, at least you won't regret that you did not give it a shot!